Thursday, September 27, 2007


This morning I was riding my bike towards the school to listen to the last of the diploma presentations. And on the DreiRosen bridge I had to stop, sit down on the bench and take in the view. My mind was empty, clear, felt relax as I never felt in the last year.
I finished. I am not a student, and even if I still am waiting for my grade I knew that there is nothing to worry cause I fucking passed.

With modesty I could say I had one of the best presentation from my year, if not even the best. Maybe not the best diploma project, but the best presentation for sure. I had a full room, my sociology partners showed up, my best friends here and even my two bosses. It felt like on a stage, saying your over rehearsed monologue, playing your little tricks in the well rehears british accent. Ha, people were thinking I had a black out went the pen I was holding (the CANADA pen received from Luana :D) flew out of my hand around the room. But I wasn't. I was just considering my options. Should I move all the way around the table and pick it up. And after 5 seconds I decided that it was not worth the effort so I just left it there. The public could breath easy again. And they would probably never know that even that accident was planned to get their attention again.

One of the question, in the small jury room that I was taken after the presentation, was asked by the director and was: "Now, honestly was your project just a joke, a theater that you set it up fooling sociologists, the Swiss TV sponsor and your participants just to prove yourself that your able to build up a project at this scale and that you actually didn't have any interest in the qualitative sociological study itself? Cause if you say that I would respect you even more now."
"Well, should I say that now for a better grade?" was my answer. He is weird but in a way he understood the irony of my project.

Today I should receive the grade and a written feedback by email.
But at this moment I probably don't care cause I pushed myself further than I or anybody expected and that all it matter. (let see if I say the same after receiving the grade :P )

But the bottom line is. Its done, I'm free once again and can start packing again to go back home and then to Canada. But about that project I think there will be no presentation.


Anonymous said...

Congrats honey >:D<. I heard from other sources that thou had kicked ass, I say, gg. :P.

asteptam totusi sa dai de baut cand te trezesti =)).

Anonymous said...

hmmm, glad you made it, even more glad, that you stopped on the bridge to take in the view. hugs from amsterdam.