Sunday, September 21, 2008


Lma . Dar ptr ce iti trebui layout personal de factura?
Raoul . Pai nu sunt PFA acum. I have to over brand myself!
Lma . errr... Adica esti personal, fizic si autoritar... !?!
Raoul . De ce toate observatiile tale au tenta erotica?


Lma said...

phuah! in ce hal ai schimbat conversatia! i don't believe it! 0_o

partea cu eroticul a plecat de fapt de la tine - ziceai ca are cumva o tenta de.. iar eu nu am facut decat sa-ti expun exact cum :-P toate astea nu neg ca observatiile mele au de cele mai multe ori tenta erotica :-D

.raoul said...

this is live blogging. I am entitled to modify and exaggerate to underline the morale of the story.

well, I normally dont get to the morale but...

.raoul said...

PFA = Perfectionist atipic... ouch. nu mai suna asa de erotic. U see!!! It was U!!!

Lma said...

it's so does it know?!!?!?!?!?

indeed, it was me :-p

Lma said...
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