Saturday, February 14, 2009


Bucharest is cute but I cant get myself to write a post about it. But I will try:

I had butterflies in my tummy when I came to Bucharest. The city, the people, the culture.
Oh, the spin. Coming from sleepy Arad it seemed as a needed boost of motivation and energy.
But do ask to much from places. People. And even culture.

I still agree that would be an interesting challenge to take Bucharest on. Sadly, on a longer run even 1 year of staying in Bucharest is not a logic decision. Professional or financial. But would be a challenge.

As for the people. Love some, hate other, some have much to say, some just need to socialize, some dont have time, some give u all their time, some talk, some smoke, some surprise u, some are surprise to meet u by coincidence in a random coffee shop, some twist, some feel like a schnitzel, some are a dry flask schnitzel.

As for the culture... Would be addicted to theater here. But as for other art manifestations of it I was disappointed. Including MNAC (museum of Contemporary Art).

I went to Bucharest with butterflies in my tummy. And I'm leaving home without them. And without any other boost.


Lma said...

i dare you! :)

.raoul said...

buahaha. how is with the flat going?

.lulu said...

seems like everything you end up doing in a small town too. Doar ca acolo cultura e deja plafonata, oamenii sunt aceasi, dar povestile din spatele culiselor nu se schimba...doar fatada. So...ce mai stai pe ganduri?