Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy Boy


Pinocchi0 said...


malehermione said...

hey! ti-am citit blogurile, si pari un tip f simpatic si funny, oh and unbelievably cute:P. chiar esti roman?! pe bune?! you're not some german spy of smth?.. i'm still kind of in disbelief.
si faza cu figurinele alea sau ce erau(?) erau was friggin' hilarious...
there seems to be no bullshit on your blog, which is more and more rare i think. keep it on!
ai niste greseli de engleza, foarte simpatice though. you said the life goes on, in loc de life goes on (drop the article), also try, nu try also(conjunction after verb), iar intrebari genul "did i left anything...?", dude you gotta use the simple present cu did, "did i leave anything?". and hearing you talk in french in that vid kinda made my day:)). il y a de place pur l'amelioration, mais t'es vraiment sympa quand-mene:P. zicand toate astea probabil k i come off as the biggest obsessive arrogant nerd there ever was... sorry... e defect profesional. unibuc does that to people.
anywei, if you ever want to chat adauga-ma la mess i'd really like to. byee... i'm not a psycho obsessive maniacal killer. byee

Jing-reed said...

Bună ziua Raoul,

Un nou fan din Thailanda. Sper că nu aveţi nimic de obiectat, dar am postat ceva pe blog-ul meu, care ai menţionat şi site-ul dumneavoastră [fără să dea orice detalii specifice].

Apologies for the crude attempt at writing in Romanian. Your skill with English is quite good, so I feel a bit ashamed. What I wanted to say was:
I am a new fan from Thailand. Hope you don't mind but I posted something on my blog which mentioned you and your website [without giving any specific details].

Igor [Jing-reed] in Thailand

You might find some of my fractal images interesting [galleries listed under 'photos'].

And if you have any objections to my posting this, I will remove all references to you....