Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Ma bucur de experienta calatoriilor acasa. Dupa multa vreme dupa ce s-au intamplat si fara ajutorul fotografiilor sau a altor artificii de memorii.

Recistesc Iubita mea, Sputnik de Haruki Murakami si printr-o succesiune oarecare de evenimente care puncta sirul povestiri mi-a revenit in minte Vietnamul. Zgomotul apei batanduse de barca si valurile imprastiate de motiunea barcii.
Nu ma consider o persoana romantica. Apreciez detalii estetice si ma bucur de simfonia de senzatii oferite de imprajurari idilice dar sunt prea inchistat in detaliile practice. Doar in momente de relaxare (dupa un efort considerabil) it happens that I dive in memories.

Another memory that keeps repeating now, attached with the irony of it, is another moment that might seem a postcard snapshot. The beach Sihanouk Ville Cambodgia and the terasse overlooking the sunset between the palms floating on the calming blue of the ocean (or was that a sea?). Probably the most rated romantic moment I was lucky to experience till now. If I keep writting this might seem a cheap touristic broshure. I have to smile at this memory though, cause Pedro was my freshly ex Cari at that moment and even so we bonded in a relax non verbal matter that I havent experience before. Maybe was the place and the person. Or just the place.

Those are feelings, remote non visual memories that werent valued at that moment as they should have been (but what should have I done? Jump around of joy and try to take mental pictures?).

Myu, una dintre personajele carti ajunge la concluzia ca fara un companion (sputnik) nu ar fii ajuns la intesitatea trairii unei vacante asemanatoare cu ale mele, in care grijile si responsabilitatiile zilnice dispar ca o gluma proasta. Undeva, printre liniile de text am realizat ca nu o inteleg. Sau, that personally I dont seem to have a common ground with her. Even with travel partners my experiences are personal, I can not share and probably I not able or not willing to share them.

Or havent I reach yet a point were I could bond with a soul even next to a garbage bin.

Tonight, I think I am a sad person without feeling sad.

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