Sunday, March 18, 2007

the art of flirting

Names were changed to protect the guilty.

Die Messages der letzten 3 Tage
Als Email senden Zur letzten Message

1. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 21:01
bello da bist du ja :-))
2. planet26 16.Mar. - 21:33
3. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 21:35
stimmt was nicht ?
4. planet26 16.Mar. - 21:35
doch..wiso meinst du?
5. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 21:36
nur so
6. planet26 16.Mar. - 21:49
7. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 21:49
8. planet26 16.Mar. - 21:50
wie gehts dir so'
9. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 21:51
ja mann lebt so !!
10. planet26 16.Mar. - 21:59
11. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 22:00
mit dir stimmt heute was nicht !!! hmmm!!! aber was !!!?!!!
12. planet26 16.Mar. - 22:01
ne du ist ok
13. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 22:01
ich hoffe es !!
14. planet26 16.Mar. - 22:18
15. pizzaman16.Mar. - 22:18
69 :-))
16. planet26 16.Mar. - 22:24
?? hä??
17. pizzaman 16.Mar. - 22:25
es muss auch sein :-)) (spass ) so ich gehe ein bir trinken !!
18. planet26 16.Mar. - 22:30

19. pizzaman17.Mar. - 12:09
20. planet26 17.Mar. - 14:10
21. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 14:14
ciao bello !!! come stai :-))?
22. planet26 17.Mar. - 14:58
gut soweit...selber?
23. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:00
na ja !!!:-(
24. planet26 17.Mar. - 15:27
wiso? was ist los?
25. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:28
bin nur müde
26. planet2617.Mar. - 15:34
ich auch... bin seit 6 uhr wach
27. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:37
:-( gehe gleich schlafen !!! was machst du heute abend !!??? hast du lust was trinken gehen ?
28. planet26 17.Mar. - 15:38
hab besuch heute abend...sorry
29. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:39
kein problem !!!! dann werde ich zum mein kollege gehen !!! nach zürrich :-))
30. planet26 17.Mar. - 15:40
na dann viel spass :-)
31. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:40
danke wünche ich dir auch !!
32. planet26 17.Mar. - 15:41
danke mal sehn ...isst nur abendessen und dvd mit freunden....
33. pizzaman 17.Mar. - 15:45

34. planet26 18.Mar. - 15:35
35. pizzaman 18.Mar. - 15:40
36.planet26 18.Mar. - 17:14
na du wie gets?
37. pizzaman 18.Mar. - 17:14
gut danke (müde ) und du ?
38. planet26 18.Mar. - 17:15
ich auch... ich mochte den ganzen tag im bed blieben

39. pizzaman 18.Mar. - 17:15
ich auch
40. pizzaman 18.Mar. - 19:56
so? sex?


Lma said...

aaaaahaa ahahaha ahaha ahaha aha ah ahaha facut-o pana la urma? :D

Anonymous said...

da da, did they get layed?:D

.raoul said...

does it matter?

Anonymous said...

my raoul, I definitely like the humor on this page

Lma said...

dragul meu Chevalier de Ragastens, count de Alma, and Unique Senior of Monteforte...daca tu ai investi atata timp si te-ai chinui sa manuieshti cu atata pricepere si indemanare the art of flirting, apai chiar cred no ca ai vrea sa se si lase cu ceva ficky ficky....nuuuuuu? :-p

.raoul said...

dear Lma, draga mea ducesa a intinselor campii de ciment si mortar, Bucuresti si unica papesa a artelor si culturii. This chapter of art of flirting doesn't belong to me, but to a good friend, to whom I had the delightful indecency to enter, read and copy paste his message history. As you, know, my close acquaintances know me by Almaschy :)
Also the ones I do fickyficky bumbum with :P

Lma said...

you know i know and like Almaschy, numa ca atunci cand mi-am povestit de aventurile de capa si spada avute in scoala nu reusisem sa retin titlul nobiliar intreg, iara acuma ca l-am vazut scris...oh, m-am putut abtine sa nu il folosesc. probabil ca nu voi reusi sa-l retin nici de data asta, asa ca n-o sa te mai chinui cu el :))) nu credeam ca this chapter of the flirting art iti apartine, numai ca ai intrebat daca conteaza si iti explicam de ce conteaza! i was just trying to make a point.there.i made it..i made it again

. <- point