Wednesday, May 23, 2007

locals communication or never blame me for not learning the local language

"hallo babbi.
ha khört, es siige servertroubles ummegange.
aber allem aaschiin aa könne mir mit dir rächne?!""*+*%!!!!!!

coole sache parker.
isch mol notiert,
also bitte au mol 1. 8. juli fett in dr agända als verbuecht
iidraage, gälll!!!
bis bald und yuhee:D


P.S. The irony is that I actually understand the email. Do you?


Anonymous said...

Traducătorul automatic Babelfish dixit:

"hello babbi. hectar khoert, it siige servertroubles ummegange. however everything aaschiin aa can do me with you raechne?!""*+*%!!!!!! coole thing parker. isch mol notes, therefore ask outer mol of 1. 8 July fat in dr agaenda as verbuecht iidraage, gaelll!!! until soon and yuhee:D boetti "


Lucas said...

it took me two days to understand:-)))

.raoul said...

what could this message say? any other opinions?

Lma said...

ok.the way i understand this (or, better said, don't understand this):

hello habibi (it sort of sounds like that)

ha....something (i'm not even sure these are words in any language whatsoever).....server troubles (cool! i understood the key word, right?)

but everything...ahem...hmmm...if i could rächne with you ( and yeah, i will have to agree as well with these question marks and all, i feel exactly the same when i am reading this ?!""*+*%!!!!!! )

cool thing parker (i agree, who or whatever parker is, but i could actually understand a whole sentence!!!)

it's already noted,
so please...yeah yeah, numbers, dates, agenda..another few words, gäll!!! (ok..this sure was a big blur for me)

till later and yuhee (yeah, i will have to agree to that yuhuu as well cause my mind just went spinning and yuhuu now that i realised that i cannot understand (swiss?)german after all)

ok...i admit, i really am curious now to find out what all this was about :))))