She got on a plane and left. the only reason that city still existed just packed one day and left. After she left a soft wind started to eroded the buildings. But as the minutes past the wind grew stronger and made the city hall Swiss clock spin faster. Before anybody could panic the cheeky wind, in his might, started to shift away the memories of the former, present and future inhabitants. And once with the memories they disappear with their personal disappear, bleeding passions and boredom fights. The clients of a couple of bars realized faster then the rest and tried to be heroes, to hold on, to save their way of life. In vain, as she tried there to wake them up from their continues mind vapors they just dissolved with the smoke of the cigarette they were holding.
No one at the door of the theater and nobody to enter for free. No, smiling sleepy face to give kf and culture. No smell of mici coming from the green island. No pouring drink for intellectuals as no intellectuals drank with the shadow of Hirsle. No newspaper to be printed as no news was need to be written or to be read.
The city, emptied of emotions, was left standing till
it crumbled apart
heading to warm the leaves of maple trees.
Have a good life K_T.
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