I was trying to do this post about obsessions and to finish with a dramatical mention of Omu, but then I realized I'm not able to dramatize about anything, because for a long time I feel fine. Not to tired, not to happy, not to sad, not to horny, not to stressed, not to hungry, not to disappointed, not to cold, not to nothing.
Just fine.
Ce interesant...citesc blogul tau dupa mai bine de o luna. L-am citit pe tot dintr-o rasuflare, si ma suprinde aerul diferit pe care il are ficare propozitie. Odata cu asteptarea schimbarii te-ai maturizat, ai vazut cat de departe poti sa mergi si ai capatat si mai multa incredere.
The Canada pen...dupa ultimele intaplari din viata mea... in mintea mea se contureaza din ce in e mai clar faptul ca nu voi rezista aici si ca trebuie sa imi gasesc pacea in alt loc. Chiar daca va fi o pace tulbure, dar va fi pacea mea, in sufletul meu. Si sper sa fie, alaturi de tine.
thanks mom. :P
and u know, there is always a place for you at my table, even if I serve cheese fondue or pancakes with ahorn siroup.
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