Saturday, December 22, 2007


The hardest thing to face by my own and in public is the fact that I came back to my home country. Even if I dont see my move as a failure, but as a sentimental risk I stand by it. But I didn't foresee that most of the people will see me as an idiot or, in the best case as an eccentric. And in a country were "what the neighbor thinks" is the most important of all that might be a situation hard to digest. Nevertheless I have to stand, as the tarot fortune teller told me once, as a stone by my own right.

But I do still miss my Pedro.

*picture removed


Anonymous said...

good to hear from you...

to compare yourself with STONE, makes me think...

give you my presence

.raoul said...

a soft warm redish stone. but a stone. people can lay on it, warm up, relax. turn again back to it. but a stone :)

k. said...

just don't listen to anything anyone would say. what do they know? and besides, being an eccentric is so lovely...