Monday, February 02, 2009

MR. Octocle

First sock monkey received. I have done for the past year around 9 sock creatures and this is the first I receive. And guess what!? Its not made out of socks but out of gloves.

Meet mister Octocle, my wonderful birthday gift from my wonderful friend Annette.

Friends forever (the iPod Monster is also done by Annette. Isnt she wonderful?)

vrum vrum!


monsoux said...


.raoul said...

Just take care what you say. I might bring him with me this wknd in Bucharest and you might see then what is the mighty Octocle able to...!
Down Octi, down!!


Anna said...

Deci nu doar fetele au fobia de a conduce singure in masina :)))

Anonymous said...


panini. said...

iui ce osam :x :)) zici ca ar fi o combinatie intre octopus and pisi . adica octopusi :))