"That's it! That's the one I was searching for!"
Several days ago a friend of mine sent me a link to a job offer. The minute I laid eyes on that page I knew! That is the perfect job. It fitted exactly my professional profile.
So, open the online application form and started filling it in. Was not hard as I had my CV updated last week but when it came to the field:
"Other Information
Please use this section to explain how your experience shows that you have the abilities to do this job. We suggest that you give evidence about each of the items on our person specification. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary."
I knew that was the right place to let me personality shine. So I started to write a sort of Letter of Intent.
The first person that got to see the letter was Lma. Her prompt reply was:
"Hope they appreciate your creativity!"
Second person that I've sent it to, Nooka sent me back the whole letter corrected and with some suggestions to improve the structure. Which was deeply appreciated but ... what about the whole tone of the letter? She couldn't advise.
Annais, the third person that got to see said:
'Ok, this letter wouldn't squeeze "a tear" in Romania. But for UK thats pretty good'
Haleluja! I was getting somewere!
Fourth, Alex Striva, an English teacher kinda dismissed it with "this is to romantic. cut cut cut!!!"
I've cut, and I restructured, and I tried to write it from a different angle. Who is actually reading this??? What tone would they go for? What should I underline? Why is Google doesn't have all the answers?? Why don't I own a HD Sony camera (HDVR-Z5 would do)? Why do I think I need more shoes?
You know, questions of despair always come in random packs.
After rererererereading it I've decided to just sent it. Based on my former experience with anything official papers I decided to let it sleep over the night. And before going to bed I had the inspiration to actually send it to somebody from Basel, somebody that actually works in communication.
The letter came back to me perfect (Levin, thank u!). A bit restructured but still keeping all the ideas. He even advised to keep the first paragraph which Alex decided that it should be cut. First paragraph that actually said so much in few words!
That morning I copy pasted the text on the online form. I stood one hour rererererereading it. Was perfect! My mouse started to shake. Kicked it a bit and the form was sent. To somebody. To read. And think as me!
"That's it! That's the one we were searching for!"
nice story. good luck with the letter. crossing the fingers for you although i don't know what job are you talking about, but you seem pretty excited about it. :)
any outcome yet?
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