Sunday, December 23, 2007

Show and tell

Now, my mother wanted to proudly present me the new shower full equipped with water jets, foot massage, radio incorporated, UV light, "rain" modus and so on. As I was trying to look impressed and not to formulate the obvious questions (do we actually need this??? does the water have enough pressure? is this ecologically friendly? what about the kids in Africa? what about buying an iPhone instead? etc?) she was urging me to try it and take a shower to see how nice it feels. Before she left the bathroom she turn and explain to me very clearly that after I do the shower I have to take a soft towel and polish the glass so that no stains remain.

Then was when I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing in front of an intrigued mom. After calming down I asked her very seriously "Why did you pay so much for something that makes your life more complicated?". And then was when I imagined a row of neighbor's, coming in an orderly manner to admire the shower.


chraebs said...

Woow.. i love such unnessesary and indulgensive stuff!! I also want to have such a shower, next to my indoor jacuzzi with underwatersound and flatscreen PlayStation3 including waterressistant controllers... :D

Anonymous said...

great stuff, just remember that I showed you very proudly my new showerhead...saving water, when showering all day long:-)))

Unknown said...

how can a shower hurt the kids in Africa? :) but good point with the iPhone